Curriculum Policies

Policy No Subject Supersedes/ [pdf]

S24-2 [pdf]


Rescinds University Policies 

S89-10 [pdf]


S24-1 [pdf]

Credit for Prior Learning

Rescinds F15-5 [pdf], F15-11, [pdf] F73-8 [pdf], and F83-5 [pdf]


S22-5 [pdf]


Rescinds University Policy S14-5 [pdf]

Supersedes 2014 GE Guidelines [pdf]


S22-3 [pdf]

Accessibility in Curricular Materials

Resinds S08-3 [pdf]  

F19-1 [pdf]



S19-7 [pdf]


Rescinds S75-12 [pdf]  

F18-1 [pdf]

都市大学学者体验(MUSE)新学生研讨会项目 Core General Education 

Rescinds S02-6 [pdf]  

S18-9 [pdf]

Rescinds F83-10, Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) Examination; Sanctions; Probation

Rescinds F83-10 [pdf]  

S17-12 [pdf]


Rescinds and Replaces S13-2 [pdf]  

S17-11 [pdf]


Rescinds and Replaces S94-2 [pdf], S96-10 [pdf], and F03-4 [pdf]  

S17-7 [pdf]

Graduate Course Revalidation


S17-5 [pdf]


Rescinds F11-2 [pdf]  

S16-9 [pdf]

Course Syllabi

Rescinds F06-2 [pdf]and S12-3 [pdf]  

S16-4 [pdf]


Rescinds S75-4 [pdf] 这些标准将在2018年秋季之前适用于所有辅修课程.

S14-11 [pdf]

Physical Education Requirement

Amends S13-3, [pdf] Rescinds S73-5 [pdf] and F96-12 [pdf]

S14-9 [pdf]

Guidelines for Concentrations


Effective Fall 2014

S13-10 [pdf]




S13-9 [pdf]


Amends S06-7 [pdf]


S13-3 [pdf]


 Amended by S14-11 [pdf]


S12-5 [pdf]


Amended by S13-10 [pdf]


S11-5 [pdf]

ABC/NC Grading

Amends S10-2 [pdf], S09-7 [pdf], S99-6 [pdf], S95-5 [pdf], section F


S10-2 [pdf]


Amended by S11-5 [pdf], Amends S99-6 [pdf], S95-5 [pdf], Section F, and F88-6 [pdf]


S09-7 [pdf]

分数符号,退和退,退和退,分数分配, 成绩申诉、成绩变更和学业成绩完整性

Amended by Amendment B to S09-7 (S11-5) [pdf], Amendment A to S09-7 (F10-3) [pdf] and Rescinds S73-14 [pdf], S73-15 [pdf], S73-16 [pdf], S73-28 [pdf], and Amends S07-6 [pdf]



F08-2 [pdf]


Amends S04-2 [pdf], Rescinds F78-3 [pdf], S94-4 [pdf], S00-10 [pdf], and F94-5 [pdf]  

S08-3 [pdf]



S04-3 [pdf]

Substantive Change


S02-3 [pdf]



S01-5 [pdf]


S00-6 [pdf] 课程设置和入学标准 Rescinds F66-3 [pdf] and F66-4 [pdf]  
F99-7 [pdf] GE Policy related to LLD 98/99    
S99-6 [pdf] Grading on Skills Courses Amended by S11-5 [pdf], Replaces S90-9 [pdf]and Clarifies F88-6 [pdf]  
S99-4 [pdf] Degree Termination Replaced S79-12 [pdf] [pdf], F79-3 [pdf] [pdf], F79-2 [pdf] [pdf], F83-3 [pdf] [pdf]  
S96-9 [pdf] 菠菜网lol正规平台通用电气项目/通识教育委员会(BOGS),这一政策导致了采用 of S98-11 [pdf] Amended by S02-7 [pdf]  
S95-5 [pdf] Competence in Written Communication; Writing Skills Test (WST); Writing Requirements Committee; Board of General Studies Section F amended by S11-5 [pdf], amended by S03-2 [pdf]  
S94-7 [pdf] 研究生英语写作能力 Rescinded by S87-7 [pdf]  
S93-14 [pdf] Curricular Priorities; Academic Priorities Rescinds S79-2 [pdf]  
F89-3 [pdf] 需要研究生书目指导    
S89-2 [pdf] Graduate Credit for Undergraduates    
F88-6 [pdf] 非传统评分/学分/无学分(及格/不及格) Clarified by S99-6, [pdf] replaced S73-12 [pdf]  
F85-1 [pdf] Time Limit on Graduation Requirements    
S85-4 [pdf] Criteria for Upper Division Courses    
S83-15 [pdf] Plus/Minus Grading System    
S81-11 [pdf] 大学要求口头沟通    
S78-6 [pdf] 持续教育组课程指引    
F77-2 [pdf] The Continuing Education Unit (CEU)    
F77-1 [pdf] Requirements for a Second Master's Degree; Graduate Degree    
S77-8 [pdf] 审查信用证的可转让性    
S77-6 [pdf] CLEP政策,大学水平考试计划 Amends S76-2 [pdf]  
F75-6 [pdf] 居住外国学生的英语作为外语考试(托福)要求    
S75-14 [pdf] Use of Consultants in the Review of Academic Programs; program planning    
S75-5 [pdf] "Undeclared" Undergraduate Category Rescinds S71-8 [pdf]  
F74-7 [pdf] 研究生入学考试(GRE)要求:系选    
S73-24 [pdf] 计算研究生课程“CR”成绩的GPA    
S73-23 [pdf] Minimum Percentage of Courses with Letter Grades; Required for Master's Program; Graduate Education    
S73-9 [pdf] Continuing Education Course Standards    
S73-4 [pdf] Guidelines for Second Baccalaureates Amended F06-5 [pdf]  
S69-25 [pdf] 学士学位的最低高级单元数    
F68-25 [pdf] Evaluation and Transfer of Credit; Recognition of Outside Degrees    
F68-24 [pdf] 实验本科课程指南96/196    
F68-9 [pdf] 大专转学单位的上限    
F67-11 [pdf] Graduate Experimental Courses; Individual Study    
S67-31 [pdf] Standards for Awarding Academic Credit; Faculty appointments at 菠菜网lol正规平台; Discipline Specific Expertise of Faculty; Catalog Publication of Courses    
S67-2 [pdf] 个别研习(180)及特别研习(196)课程指引    
F66-13 [pdf] Prohibition of Double-Numbering of Course; Lower Division/Upper Division Differentation    
F66-4 [pdf] Minimum Frequency of Course Offerings; Enrollment Staffing Standards    
S66-15 [pdf] 外国学位,与美国学位相当的学习要求和临时程序 for 菠菜网lol正规平台 until study is completed    
S66-12 [pdf] 扩展课程和函授课程的学分转换