


爱兰歌娜Balbuena是她在创意写作硕士课程的最后一年. 她的主要 体裁是非虚构的,其次是诗歌. 阿利格拉获得了英语学士学位 CSU东湾. 她是Reed杂志第158期的首席艺术编辑,也是 第157期资深非虚构编辑. 《lol菠菜网正规平台》将于秋季上映 2024年在线杂志《lol菠菜网正规平台》的电子版. 她以前的出版物 appear in student-run literary magazines: “ABCs of TTC” in ZAUM Issue 26 (2022) and 《lol菠菜网正规平台》2020年第37期“幸福联盟”. 阿利格拉写回忆录 and poems focusing on infertility, her Filipino culture, growing up in Ewa, Hawaii, being married to her high school sweetheart, being immersed in Latino culture and 我曾在迈克尔斯公司做过夜班经理. 她目前正在接听热线电话 counselor for a nonprofit organization that provides support to domestic violence 幸存者. 阿利格拉和她的好丈夫一起过着充实的生活 还有他们那只傻傻的,时髦的,但非常可爱的小猫,西尔维.



简·伯格是一位来自南非的作家和摄影师. 她目前是艺术硕士候选人 in Creative Writing at 圣何塞州立大学 where she was the Managing Editor Reed杂志第156期. 她的小说和诗歌已在《lol菠菜网正规平台》上发表 Poetry X-Change, deLuge Journal, Superstition 审查, and is forthcoming in Flint 山的审查. 你可以在这里找到更多她的写作和摄影作品: http://janeberg.me/



卡西布莱尔 grew up in Colorado, grew up some more in Seattle, and now splits time between Oakland and Salinas with her partner and two small dogs, who rescued them. Her short fiction is published or forthcoming in The Quarter(ly)Journal and Chestnut 审查. Cassie还拥有建筑史硕士学位 & 大学理论 华盛顿.



Mike Noah Ford is a memoirist, poet and screenwriter currently completing an MFA Creative 在菠菜网lol正规平台写作. 受父亲的影响,他的父亲是一位垮掉派诗人,也是诗歌闪电的创始人, 迈克九岁时开始写诗.  然后他很快获得了写作一等奖 contest through an ice cream company called Bott’s Ice Cream  in South Berkeley. As the winner,  Bott’s told him that he could have free ice cream for life, but then 破产了(不是因为迈克).

Raised by two 英语 Professors, Mike grew up in a world of words and a house made 没有书. 令迈克沮丧的是,他的父母在他14岁时搬到了帕洛阿尔托 he learned the ways of the rich and powerful, but then quickly reverted back to the 高中毕业后的伯克利波西米亚之路.

As an undergraduate Mike majored in Religious Studies at UCSB graduating with Highest 荣誉. This shaped his writing towards mystical themes and led him to the Kabbalah, 他在耶路撒冷研究了几年. 迈克那时住在西村 of New York City,  became a yoga instructor and began writing a well received newsletter 然后写关于精神和康复的博客. 他已经走上了一条清醒的道路 20多年了,现在住在湾区.迈克的文章发表在这本书里 梦想与内心之旅(第八版).



玛丽莲 Copley Hilton is an MFA student with a focus in nonfiction and poetry. 她 holds a BA in Japanese from University of Massachusetts and an MA in 英语 from 圣何塞州立大学. 她的诗歌和短篇小说出现在中美洲 审查, Glassworks, Chariton 审查, Sky Island Journal, The Nebraska 审查, Zaum, and Reed; she has contributed to several anthologies, including the upcoming DiVERSE (Bloomsbury 2025); and her poetry has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. 玛丽莲 is also the author of the award-winning novels Found Things (Atheneum 2014) and Full 蝉月(Dial 2014). 作为一名前软件技术作家和编辑,她现在喜欢 the freedom to write, study, resume piano lessons, teach at writers conferences, and 花时间和她的家人在一起.



Taylor Wells Hooten recently moved to the East Bay from Tennessee, where she was born 和长大. 作为第一代大学生,她获得了英语学士学位 from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in 2023, where she was also an 创新s 荣誉学者. 泰勒是斯坦贝克研究生研究员,主要研究诗歌, 但她也喜欢尝试剧本创作和小说创作. 她希望 一个 day pursue a career as a Narrative Designer or a Lead Writer for story-driven 电子游戏和rpg. 迄今为止,她的诗歌发表在《菠菜网lol正规平台》上 和圣所文学杂志. 当不写作或阅读时,泰勒通常可以 found playing games, crocheting, or spending time with her husband and two cats.



阿拉Hunsdorfer是一位来自加州萨利纳斯的诗人和小说作家. 她毕业 来自蒙特利湾犯罪现场组.人文与传播学专业A 在创意写作和英语研究. Alanah在 Volumes 5-8 of CSU Monterey Bay’s literary arts journal, In The Ords, in addition 从2021年到2023年担任该杂志的总编辑. 在她的空闲时间,Alanah 期待阳光明媚的日子,在书店里花很多钱.



塞缪尔·迈克尔是一位出版作家、讲师和艺术家. 他的散文诗《lol菠菜网正规平台》 be.,发表在《lol菠菜网正规平台》杂志上. 他在写作中心工作 作为大学的助教. 当他不写作的时候,塞缪尔就会画画或玩耍 和他的猫.



Born 和长大 in Sacramento California, 迈克尔Muszynski completed his Bachelor's 我是圣何塞州立大学英语艺术专业的硕士. 此后,他又回到了上海大学 the MFA in Creative Writing where he is also a writing tutor and the senior fiction 他是加州历史最悠久的文学杂志《菠菜网lol正规平台》的编辑. 作为一个狂热者 reader and writer, he usually spends his days researching countries no longer on maps, conjugating verbs in elven languages, and searching for the library's dustiest books. When not reading or writing, he is usually playing video games or screaming at the 一边看足球一边看电视. 



Jake graduated from 菠菜网lol正规平台 with a BA in film production in 2017 and has worked in the 自2018年起担任部门设备经理和生产技术员. 他的职业 experience includes producing and writing many projects for dozens of companies and 包括索尼影业、Cinequest、谷歌、苹果和ESPN在内的组织.



M. M. Olivas is an alumna of the 2022 Clarion 科学 Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ 车间, the 2023 Under the Volcano Writers Residency, and the 2024 Lambda Literary 车间. 她的短篇小说曾在包括《菠菜网lol正规平台》在内的多家出版物上发表过 杂志,怪异恐怖杂志,Apex,还有波旁酒吧. 作为第一代变性人 Chicana horror writer, Olivas explores the intersection of queer and diasporic experiences 在她的小说中. 她目前居住在旧金山湾区,获得艺术硕士学位 in Creative Writing at 圣何塞州立大学 and collecting transforming robots. Her debut novel, Sundown in San Ojuela, is available for preorder and will release 2024年11月19日,灯笼鱼出版社出版.

更多关于奥利瓦斯和她的小说的信息可以在 olivasthewriter.wtf

C.J. Prusi肖像

C.J. Prusi

C.J. 普鲁士是一个怪人,一个反常的人,一个谜,一个傻瓜. 自从开始 MFA program at 菠菜网lol正规平台, he's weathered a pandemic, married the love of his life, become 是两个孩子的父亲,并且找到了一份工作. 他喜欢便盆幽默,长跑,和短,厚脸皮 艺术家bios. 他最近的作品可以在 patreon.com/cjonia



奥利维亚·罗斯是一位诗人和小说作家,在圣何塞出生和长大. 这是她应得的 B.A. in 英语 Literature and 比较文学 from UCLA, where she earned the Teague-Melville Essay Award for her research paper on the Hebrew Bible, which 随后在加州大学洛杉矶分校的《菠菜网lol正规平台》上发表. 她担任高级诗人 Editor for Reed Magazine, Issue 157; her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in 《lol菠菜网正规平台》、《lol菠菜网正规平台》和其他地方. 她住在旧金山.


Nica Constante Tanaka

妮卡是妮卡的生活回忆录《lol菠菜网正规平台》的叙述者. 她的创作实践 explores the convergence of personal narratives, geography, and time as visual expressions 在互联网上. 在网上,你可以找到Nica分享自己的思考和批评 of her lived experience by telling a story, making kwento, of what happened. Nica 是上海州立大学艺术系和英语系的混合硕士学生吗. 她的工作邀请 readers to see the complexities of her inner world through digital media art and literary 工艺. Somewhere on earth, Nica is studying, exploring, and basking under the moon 和太阳. 找到妮卡:@kwentobynica



Savannah is from Patterson, California and is now an enthusiastic Livermore resident. 她 enjoys telling stories through writing, podcasting, filming, and more often than 不是靠一顿美餐和一瓶特殊的酒. 她讲故事的灵感来自于人类 条件和我们的承受能力. 她喜欢手工、户外活动、锻炼, reading, traveling, sharing her sommelier knowledge, and spending time with her partner, 他们的狗,还有她最亲密的朋友. 萨凡纳是奥卡姆剃刀文学奖的得主 杂志小说比赛. 


Florian Weinreich

弗洛里安来自奥地利维也纳,他在一个双语家庭长大. 作为一种方式 of grappling with linguistic boundaries, he started writing at an early age, comics 一开始是诗歌,后来逐渐变成了诗歌. 在学习了哲学和文学之后 Vienna and Nice, he received a Fulbright scholarship to finally devote himself to 圣何塞州立大学的创意写作. 他是利物浦的忠实球迷 香蕉面包.