Special Student Relief

SSR (Special Student Relief)

“特殊学生救济(SSR)是暂停某些监管要求 by the secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for an F‑1 student 来自世界上正在经历紧急情况的部分地区. Regulatory requirements F-1学生可以暂停或更改的条件包括:状态持续时间,满 course of study and off-campus employment eligibility.”


  • 无论如何,必须是联邦登记公告中所述国家的公民 of country of birth;
  • 以F-1非移民身份在美国合法居留 time of the Federal Notice;
  • Be currently maintaining F-1 nonimmigrant status;
  • Be enrolled at a SEVP-certified academic institution (菠菜网lol正规平台); and
  • 正在经历严重的经济困难,正如联邦公告所述. 

Current Notices


  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective May 20, 2022 through May 20, 2025
  • 学生必须在2023年9月25日持有F-1签证.


  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective May 26, 2024 through November 25, 2025.
  • Student must have been in F-1 status on March 25, 2024.


  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective June 7, 2022 through June 07, 2025.
  • Student must have been in F-1 status on October 10, 2023.


  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective June 13, 2024 through December 12, 2025.
  • Student must have been in F-1 status on April 14, 2024.


  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective August 04, 2024 through February 3, 2026
  • Student must have been in F-1 status on July 1, 2024.

Hong Kong

  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective November 26, 2021 through February 05, 2025.
  • 学生必须在2023年1月26日持有F-1签证.


  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective February 14, 2024 through August 13, 2025.
  • 学生必须在2024年2月14日持有F-1签证. 


  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective September 18, 2021 through September 17, 2024.
  • Student must have been in F-1 status on March 13, 2023.

South Sudan

  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective March 3, 2022 through May 03, 2025.
  • 学生必须在2023年9月6日持有F-1签证.


  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective April 19, 2022 through April 19, 2025.
  • Student must have been in F-1 status on August 21, 2023.


  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective April 22, 2021 through September 30, 2025.
  • Student must have been in F-1 status on January 29, 2024.


  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective April 19, 2022 through April 19, 2025.
  • Student must have been in F-1 status on August 21, 2023.


  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective March 11, 2024 through September 10, 2025.
  • Student must have been in F-1 status on March 11, 2024. 


  • Federal Register Notice
  • Effective September 4, 2024 until March 3, 2025
  • Student must have been in F-1 status on July 10, 2024. 


  1. Schedule an appointment 与ISSS顾问会面,讨论你的申请资格. 
  2. 一旦你和国际社会安全委员会的顾问见过面,他们就会确定你和 要求的标准和资格,他们会给你发电子邮件特殊学生救济 I-20 request information and form. 
  3. 然后,您需要通过电子邮件international-office@sjsu向ISSS提交完整的SSR I-20请求.edu.
  4. 一旦ISSS收到填写好的表格,我们会要求5-7个工作日进行审核 and process. ISSS will email you when the new I-20 has been issued. USCIS is accepting 来自ISSS的数字签名的I-20表格,所以我们会把经济困难的I-20通过电子邮件发给你 recommendation. 你需要这张经济困难推荐的I-20来提交 your application with USCIS.

Next Steps: Filing the application with USCIS

一旦你有了带有SSR推荐的I-20,你就需要准备文件了 needed for filing the form I-765 for SSR. 此申请不能在线提交给USCIS,因此,您可以 需要收集以下所有文件并提交给USCIS.

  1. Filing Fee (Subject to Change): $520.00.
  2. 个人支票、本票或汇票,收款人为“美国银行”.S. Department of Homeland Security” (do not abbreviate). If you want, write your I-94 # number on the check. 如果需要,在网上搜索关于如何写支票的有用信息, endorse a money order or cashier’s check.
  3. 最近(近6个月)护照彩色照片2张. Please review the Department of State photo guidelines for more details. 
  4. Form G-1145申请/呈请受理电子通知(强烈建议).
  5. Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization. (All pages, completed, and signed).
  6. Read the USCIS Instructions for Form I-765.
  7. Form I-765 就业许可申请表(所有页),填写并签署. Read the USCIS Instructions for Form I-765. Pay special attention to instructions for F-1 student categories on pages 3-4. Failure to follow instructions may result in rejection or denial of your application. We have developed an I-765 Completion Guide to help you. 你有责任确保I-765表格正确填写和签署.
  8. Review our I-765 guide本指南是针对OPT/STEM OPT的,但你可以将其用于 how to complete the I-765. 但是,在第2部分第3页的第27题中,你必须使用代码c3iii.
  9. Filing code for economic hardship is: (c) (3) (iii). 
  10. 个人陈述,以信函的形式向美国移民局解释就业的必要性 避免严重的经济困难直接造成目前的危机 specified country in the Federal Register Notice. 
  11. 你的新I-20的复印件,并附上由国际社会服务局出具的经济困难建议 the last 30 days. (确保你已经打印了I-20,然后是签名和注明日期的那页 1在适当的部分,然后制作一份副本,与您的申请一起提交. Do not submit the original I-20.
  12. Photocopy of valid passport biographical page.
  13. 如果你的护照将在6个月内到期,你需要写一封信 确认您的护照到期日期,并计划更新护照 before it expires.
  14. 如果你的I-94或F-1签证上有你的旧护照号码,那么你需要 提交一份你现在和以前的护照复印件.
  15. Photocopy of F-1 visa stamp.
  16. I-94 record of arrival.
  17. Retrieve I-94 at http://i94.cbp.dhs.gov
  18. 如果你有纸质的I-94,包括卡片两面的复印件.
  19. 如果您将身份更改为F-1,并且在获得F-1身份后没有离开美国, 你需要提交一份I-797A批准通知的复印件.
  20. 入学和学习证明:上海外国语大学的正式成绩单,外加入学证明 for the current academic semester.
  1. 在邮寄给USCIS之前,将您的完整申请复印一份. You will put all 这些文件装在信封里,信封正面清楚地标明, bottom right-hand side, with the phrase 'Special Student Relief.' 不包含此符号可能会导致严重的处理延迟.
  2. Mail your complete application to the USCIS lockbox. Refer to ‘Where to File’ instructions on USCIS Form I-765 webpage
  3. ISSS建议通过联邦快递或UPS邮寄你的申请,因为你可以跟踪你的申请 application.
  4. USCIS收到您的申请后大约2-4周,您应该会收到 a receipt notice with a USCIS case number.
  5. Wait 2-4 months to receive work authorization from USCIS. You should receive an approval notice (I-797 Notice of Action) and EAD. You must have the EAD card, then you are eligible to work within the authorized dates on the card. 
  6. 在学校上课期间,每周的工作时间限制在20小时,但也可以是全职的 during official school breaks. The off-campus job does not need to be related to a student's major field of study.

Contact Us

San José State University

One Washington Square
Student Union - CPGE
San Jose, CA 95192-0135

Office Hours

Monday-Friday 9am – 4:30pm

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