Dr. Manny Gabet

Manny Gabet in the field I'm a geomorphologist with a wide range of interests across a variety of spatial scales, from exploring how individual raindrops disturb soil particles to investigating the geomorphic evolution of mountain ranges. My general fields of interests include hillslope evolution, post-fire erosion, the causes and consequences of rockfall, the toxic legacy of hydraulic mining during the Gold Rush, glacial erosion, and the geologic evolution of the Sierra Nevada.

Professor: Geomorphology

Graduate Advisor

Phone: (408) 924-5035
Office: DH 223
Office Hours: By appointment
E-mail: manny.gabet@sh-fyz.com

Dr. Gabet's website


  • Ph.D. 2002, University of California- Santa Barbara

Research Interests

  • Professional interests are in sediment transport processes and landscape evolution. Projects include investigating landslides and debris flows in the Himalayas and California; examining the role of fire and vegetation in modulating erosion rates; derived sediment transport equations for different bioturbation processes; developed a computer model to predict the effects of global warming on hillslope erosion. Other interests focus on how geomorphic parameters (e.g., topography) influence chemical weathering rates through their control on hydrological processes. Dr. Gabet has also investigated how river channels process large pulses of sediment via field and experimental work.

Recent Classes

  • Geology of California (GEOL 006)
  • Geomorphology (GEOL 134)
  • Advanced Geomorphology (GEOL 234)
  • Mathematical Geology (GEOL 255)
  • The Role of Hydrology in Geomorphological Processes (GEOL 285)

Recent Activity (2011-2017)

*Student author

Published Papers

  • Gabet, E.J., Burnham, J.L.H., Perron, J.T., 2016, Critiques of the seismic hypothesis and the vegetation stabilization hypothesis for the formation of Mima mounds along the western coast of the U.S.: Geomorphology v. 269, p. 40-42.
  • *Burns, K., and Gabet, E.J., 2015, The effective viscosity of slurries laden with vegetative ash: Catena v. 135, p. 182-192.
  • Gabet, E.J., Mudd, S.M., Milodowski, D.T., Yoo, K., Hurst, M.D., and Dosseto, A., 2015, Local topography and erosion rate control regolith thickness along a ridgeline in the Sierra Nevada, California: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 40, p. 1779-1790.
  • *Short, L., and Gabet, E.J., 2015, The role of large woody debris in modulating the dispersal of a post-fire sediment pulse: Geomorphology v. 246, p. 351-358.
  • Riley, K. L., Bendick, R., Hyde, K.D., and Gabet, E.J., 2013, Frequency-magnitude distribution of debris flows compiled from global data, and comparison with post-fire debris flows in the western U.S.: Geomorphology, v. 191, p. 118-128.
  • Constantine, J., Schelhaas M., Gabet, E.J., and Mudd, S.M., 2012, Limits of windthrow-driven hillslope sediment flux due to varying storm frequency and intensity: Geomorphology, v. 175/176, p. 66-73.
  • Burbank, D.W., Bookhagen, B., Gabet, E.J., and Putkonen, J., 2012, Modern climate and erosion in the Himalayas: Comptes Rendues Geosciences, v. 344, p. 610-626.
  • Gabet, E.J., and *Mendoza, M., 2012, Particle transport over rough hillslope surfaces by dry ravel: Experiments and simulations with implications for nonlocal sediment flux: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 117, http://doi.org/ 10.1029/2011JF002229.
  • Mudd, S.M., Yoo, K., and Gabet, E.J., 2012, Influence of chemical weathering on hillslope forms, in R. Marston and M. Stoffel (eds), Treatise on Geomorphology: Amsterdam, Elsevier.

Published Abstracts

  • Gabet, E.J., and *Tipp, C., 2017, Late Cenozoic uplift of the northern Sierra Nevada is not supported by the geomorphic evidence: Geological Society of America Abstracts with programs, v. 49, no. 4.
  • Gabet E.J., Perron, J.T., and Johnson, D.L., 2013, Biotic origin for Mima mounds supported by numerical model: AGU Fall Meeting EP41D-8027.
  • Riley, K.L., Bendick, R., Hyde, K., and Gabet, E.J., 2013, Frequency-magnitude distribution of non-fire-related and post-fire debris flows in the Western U.S.: First steps toward global risk prediction. AGU Chapman Conference.
  • *Short, L., and Gabet, E.J., 2013, The relationship between large woody debris and a decrease of median bed material size in a gravel bed channel after post-fire debris flows: GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting, v. 45, no. 6.
  • Yoo, K., Weinman, B.A., Mudd, S.M., Hurst, M.D., Gabet, E.J., Singhvi, A.K., and Maher, K., 2012, Soil mixing coupled to soil production and transport on hillslopes: Responses to channel incision, Feather River, California: Abstract EP41D-8026, American Geophysical Union Meeting.
  • Gabet, E.J., Mudd, S.M., Yoo, K., Hurst, M.D., and Dosseto, A., 2012, Topographic and erosional controls on soil thickness and texture along a ridge in a transient landscape: Abstract EP41D-0827, American Geophysical Union Meeting.

Technical Presentations

  • Gabet, E.J., 2012, UC Davis; If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a soil?

Reviewing and Editorial Service

  • Gabet, E.J., Peer Reviewer for:
    • Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (2)
    • Geology
    • JGR - Earth Surface
    • National Science Foundation
    • Water Resources Research
  • Gabet, E.J., Associate Editor for Journal of Geophysical Research (handled 7 manuscripts)
  • Gabet, E.J., Journal reviewer (10 total) for:
    • Geology
    • Nature
  • Gabet, E.J., Reviewed 2 proposals for NSF and reviewed 2 proposals for the Council for Earth and Life Sciences
  • Gabet, E.J., 2013, Served as Associate Editor for the Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface. Handled ~12 papers.
  • Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (2)
  • Geomorphology (2)
  • Journal of Geophysical Research
  • Soil Science
  • Soil Science Society of America
  • Terra Nova