Mitzi Garcia Hernandez

Mitzi picture Student Academic Success Specialist

Email:                  Phone: (408) 924-2589                                          

Bio: Mitzi is a first-generation college graduate and the proud daughter of Mexican immigrants. She was born and raised in California’s Central Valley in a small agricultural town named San Joaquin. After graduating from High School, she completed her undergraduate degree in Cultural Anthropology at UC Santa Barbara, and her master's degree in Chicana and Chicano studies with an emphasis on policy from San Jose State. Through her academic interests, she was able to grow her passion for learning about all cultures, traditions, and people’s livelihoods. Before joining the Exploratory SSC team in March 2024, Mitzi served as an advisor and coordinator of a first-generation program in the College of Science at the University of Nevada, Reno. She is happy to be back in the Bay Area at 菠菜网lol正规平台 and is excited about working with scholars in exploratory and contributing to their success in earning their Bachelor’s degree!

 Q & A

1. What was your favorite class in undergrad?

I had 2 favorite undergrad courses! I loved an anthropology course called “Indigenous People and the Nation-State in the Americas” and an English course titled “Introduction to US Minority Literature”. Both courses provided a very insightful perspective on the struggles faced by indigenous peoples in the Americas and underserved communities in the United States. It was inspiring to hear about how these groups have continuously fought back against systemic injustices.

2. What are some of the places you have traveled to?

I have had the opportunity to travel to various places in Mexico such as CDMX, Cabo, Yucatan, Michoacán, and Jalisco to name a few! I have also visited London, Paris, and the Dominican Republic. I am hoping to add Greece, Italy, Chile, and Brazil to my list!

3. What is your piece of advice for incoming students?

To any incoming student, I would advise you to embrace the opportunity to get involved on campus! Though it may seem intimidating at first, joining a club, or organization, or even getting a job on campus can provide you with countless benefits. Not only can you create lasting friendships and have built-in study buddies, research has shown that students who are more active in campus life are more likely to achieve their goals and graduate!