San Jose State University
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Banner Image
ODEI Team Interview Screenshot

Catching Up with Kathy

On behalf of the staff of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, I would like to welcome our returning Spartan students, faculty, and staff to another Fall. 我们也欢迎新的一年级和转学生,以及去年新到校园的二年级学生. 我们欢迎过去一年半聘用的远程工作的新员工. And of course, 我们要感谢那些整个夏天都在校园工作的员工和管理人员,以保持校园的运转, safe, and able to gear up for another academic year.

在ODEI,我们度过了一个活跃的暑假,参与了校园内不同的项目,并为员工提供了专业发展, particularly staff and administrators. 在我们开始新学年的时候,我们想承认,尽管秋季通常是高等教育的更新时期, 我们中的许多人一直在努力工作,以支持我们学生的福祉, our colleagues, our communities and our families. Among our own staff, 我们知道,这次重返校园有时是苦乐参半的——看到我们的同事感到兴奋, 很高兴看到学生们在Paseo和我们的建筑里充满活力, yet anxious about COVID-19, 随着每个人都开始工作和上学,我们的家庭和整个社区都开始适应新的日常生活. 我们不仅担心这里的人,也担心我们在全国和世界各地的家人和朋友. We share in your joys and share in your concerns. 我们期待共同努力,应对多样性方面的系统性变革, equity, 在新的一年里,让我们的校园社区充满包容和归属感. 当我们从塔楼大厅搬到ADM(行政)大楼一楼的一套办公室时,请顺便来我们的新空间, Room 104 near Clark Hall. We wish you a good start to the academic year.

Blue and Orange welcome spartans.png
ODEI in Action
Highlights from a Busy Summer!
ODEI continues to engage with Students, 教职员工参与社会正义教育活动,以提高我们整个社区的集体能力,努力创造一个更加包容和欢迎的环境. ODEI从2020年夏天开始,与大约一半参加过种族微侵犯培训的菠菜网lol正规平台 mpp和经理进行了接触,进一步推进了这项工作. 今年夏天,ODEI继续这项工作,开始与菠菜网lol正规平台的工作人员接触,大约有54名来自学生事务部的参与者.

今年夏天,ODEI也有机会继续与一些学术单位合作, such as with the Summer 2021 Antiracism Action Summer Institute, as well as with the Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering. Specific to Engineering, Dr. Kathleen Wong(Lau) lead the college chairs in a review of belong@菠菜网lol正规平台 assessment results; Dr. 克雷格·约翰·阿利莫有机会与即将入学的一年级学生和转学生一起工作, and Peer Educators/Ambassadors in MESA/MEP. 费尔南达·佩多莫-阿西涅加斯和克雷格在社会工作学院的城市生活垃圾培训中帮助欢迎新学生, as well. ODEI与PRIDE中心和教师发展中心的合作继续进行,并再次提供a Gender Inclusive Pedagogy workshop for both Faculty and Staff.

Dr. 佩兴斯·布莱恩特(Patience Bryant)与学生行为管理协会(Association for Student Conduct Administration)的唐纳德·D·布莱恩特(Donald D. Gehring Academy. 与会者接触到非正式解决方案的基本信息和适用于第九条和性行为不端案件.

Under the leadership of The BLOC and in partnership with ODEI, African American Studies, and Institute for the Study of Sport, Society and Social Change, 菠菜网lol正规平台 hosted in the 2021 New Black Spartan Institute. The program hosted 60 first time fall 2021 students, fall 2021 transfer students, and fall 2020 new and transfer students. ODEI also co-hosted a Black Parent and Family Support Space.

A highlight of the summer for Dr. Kathleen Wong(Lau)作为小组成员参加了由加州大学伯克利分校主办的首席多元化官圆桌会议,这是他们首席多元化官学院的一部分, a virtual one-day immersive academy for Chief Diversity Officers.

ODEI也喜欢为学生员工提供各种培训. We always enjoy our work with our students in Peer Connections, 第二个夏天,我在国际公寓和宿舍的工作人员一起工作.

For the first time, 菠菜网lol正规平台   celebrated faculty and staff  with a two-week calendar of events. 菲利西亚·麦基-费根斯与来自全校的教职员工一起参加了计划委员会. She also volunteered during several of the sponsored events. 
Welcome Gathering of Academic Indigenous Native Americans (GAIN)
Employee Affinity Group Update

We are excited to welcome a new Employee Affinity Group to campus. GAIN是学术土著和美洲原住民的聚会,他们的组织寻求建立社区, promote visibility, 并通过校园活动和倡议为菠菜网lol正规平台的土著和美洲原住民教职员工提供支持. GAIN's specific objectives are to ensure that the university:

  1. 提高本地学生的入学率、保留率和毕业率.
  2. 招募、保留、提升和终身聘用更多的土著和土著教职员工.
  3. 为教职员工提供更多晋升到行政和决策职位的机会.
  4. 改善与美洲原住民和土著社区的联系和服务.
  5. 为美国原住民和土著人民提供一个论坛,以解决与包容性和公平性相关的校园和社区问题.

有关GAIN的更多信息或了解如何参与,请联系 Dr. Maria Cruz or Dr. Soma de Bourbon.

如果您有兴趣为历史上代表性不足或服务不足的教师和/或员工创建一个新的员工亲和组, please contact our office. 在ODEI,我们理解教职员工需要共享包容性空间,以讨论和促进保留和社区建设工作, inclusive excellence, and the success of our students as well as themselves. 转型2030的目标3:成长和繁荣概述了菠菜网lol正规平台不断努力“成为一个包容性的大学”, 欢迎和平衡良好的社区和机构,确保长期的财务可持续性和有效性,并吸引, retains and sustains faculty and staff members and students.“为了成功做到这一点,我们支持校园内所有教职员工的努力. These groups are just one way we hope to strengthen that support.

Photo of Monica Gavino
Welcome Our Centro Faculty Fellow

Dr. Monica Gavino将加入该中心,担任墨西哥裔/拉丁裔学生成功学院研究员.

Photo of Dr. Andrew Carter
Meet the UROP Program Coordinator

Dr. 安德鲁·卡特领导着新的本科生研究机会项目.

Now Recruiting Faculty Mentors
UROP是一个令人兴奋的新机会,学生可以在他们感兴趣的学科或项目中获得菠菜网lol正规平台教师的研究和指导经验. Currently launching its pilot cohort this semester, the program provides students hands-on engagement in research, scholarship, and creative activity throughout the academic year. 参加活动的学生将接受指定教师的指导, regular meetings with a peer mentor, 并有机会在UROP年终研讨会上展示他们的研究成果. UROP is currently available to faculty and first year, second year, 以及非stem学科的转学生, 目标是在2022年秋季在全校范围内推出该项目. 感兴趣的教师可以在这里了解更多关于这个项目的信息,并在这里提交项目. Student-faculty pairings will begin in early October.
UROP Flyer
Join Us!

员工联系是ODEI为员工创建的月度会议, faculty, 还有管理员,他们可以与同事共享虚拟午餐或咖啡休息时间,谈论他们和/或团队感兴趣的任何事情. 这项倡议是去年ODEI与大学人事部门合作举办的选举前后会议期间收到的反馈意见的结果, 教师发展和人生大事EAP中心,与会者建议创建 a space 既然大流行限制了我们的人际交往,人们在哪里可以通过视频见面并相互联系. 员工联系课程的目的是帮助结识新朋友, learning from each other, and creating community. 这些课程面向所有菠菜网lol正规平台员工,包括为我们的辅助机构工作的员工. Join us!


Celebrating Programming Success:
The Antiracist Action Summer Institute

Led by faculty member Michelle Hampton, The Antiracist Action Summer Institute 是为了给健康和人文科学教师提供更深入参与的机会而开发的, 并赋予教师权力和智力装备,将系统性的种族平等融入他们的日常教学工作中, research, scholarship, and service. 它的目的是帮助跨学科和机构内部的教师进行分析, strategize, 并努力通过系统性的种族平等视角来改变我们的工作. 暑期学院包括2个同步课程和10个自定节奏和异步内容模块,为期4周. The content areas included: antiracist pedagogy, understanding health disparities, allyship, inclusive language, application of race in research methodology, holistic admissions review, outcomes measurement, organizational change, and application of mindfulness as a tool for social justice. 指导与会者进行提高对种族和种族主义的认识和知识的活动, 并对个人的反种族主义行动进行反思和制定策略, departmental, and university-level. 参与者33人,分别来自上海外国语大学、中南大学、中南大学和俄勒冈州立大学.

Recommended Reads banner
本部分的阅读资料和资源旨在帮助我们的校园学习理论, frameworks, 研究和资源有助于我们实现多样性的主要目标, equity, 通过建立我们的智力肌肉来帮助我们看到我们的世界, analyze our world, and apply this learning from where we are to increase equity. 选择这些读物是因为它们能够以促进各种读者理解的方式概述或介绍复杂的概念, occupational foci, and time constraints. 这个月我们提供了更多的产品,包括一本书,供你的夏季阅读.

Watch a Never-Before-Aired James Baldwin Interview From 1979
Buried by ABC at the time, 这段视频以独特的方式展示了鲍德温的私人生活,以及他对白人脆弱的尖锐批评, as blisteringly relevant today as it was in 1979.



Black professionals less likely than whites to miss the office

Jul. 1954年9月9日:布朗案判决后,美国教育委员会投票继续实行种族隔离
Learn more about our history of racial injustice

Trucks are Banned on Oakland's I-580. These Sixth Graders Wondered Why | KQED
实行了70年的580号州际公路禁止大型卡车通行的禁令推动了柴油车的发展, and their pollution, to Interstate 880. 生活在880走廊沿线的学生希望他们选出的官员对此采取行动.

Our social connectedness drives our happiness; after more than a year of social isolation, there’s a clear opportunity for brands that can build belonging.

The new Indigenous TV series coming your way
Have You Heard? banner image
The podcasts provided will address issues related to diversity, equity, 和包容性,也是为了帮助我们学习理论, frameworks, research and resources. These podcasts will help us see our world, analyze our world, and apply this learning from where we are to increase equity. 我们也希望更加包容,分享各种各样的学习资源,这些资源可以在我们做其他事情时使用, like walking the dog, driving, exercising, making dinner, or washing the dishes. We hope you enjoy this regular posting.

Lord of the Rankings
A good listen on how college rankings are created

Project Dillard
新奥尔良一所历史悠久的黑人大学受到所有人的喜爱——除了《美国lol菠菜网正规平台与世界报道》最佳大学排行榜. 我们黑进算法展示迪拉德大学是如何崛起的

What is Intersectionality video
Zoom Reminder: Turn on Live Transcription feature
Resources Header.png

The Anti-Oppression Network: allyship

The Swan Center for Advocacy & Research, Inc  - Care Care — The Swan Center for Advocacy & Research, Inc.

Dismantling Anti-Blackness in Democratic Workplaces Toolkit — AORTA

The African American Policy Forum INTERSECTIONALITY MATTERS | AAPF 


Step by Step Instructions for name badge infographic
Hate Crimes Resources flyer
CONTACT US     •     408-924-8168
Kathleen Wong(Lau), PhD
Felicia McKee-Fegans, MA Ed
craig John Alimo, PhD
Patience D. Bryant, PhD
IG: @pdb_phd
TW: @pdb_phd
Fernanda Perdomo-Arciniegas, MPA
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San Jose State University
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0007

Last Updated Aug 31, 2022 " class="hidden">吕梁天气预报